Endaoment developers

Endaoment API

The Endaoment API offers a series of endpoints for developers to interface with permissionless Endaoment entities. The endpoints offer queries that range from data about specific Orgs to searching from all existing entities, while also facilitating and constructing transactions to enable deployment and charitable giving.

For full documentation regarding Endaoment’s API, click here

Available End-Points

Get Deployed Orgs

Get a list of deployed Orgs. Will only return organizations that already have a deployed contract on Endaoment.

Path: /v1/sdk/orgs

Return Schema:

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "ein": "string",
    "contractAddress": "string",
    "logoUrl": "string",
    "nteeCode": "string",
    "nteeDescription": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "endaomentUrl": "string"

Search Orgs

Search from an ever-growing list of organizations. Search by multiple search parameters, including an overall search term or NTEE codes.

Path: /v1/sdk/orgs/search

Return Schema:

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "ein": "string",
    "contractAddress": "string",
    "logoUrl": "string",
    "nteeCode": "string",
    "nteeDescription": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "endaomentUrl": "string"

Build an Org Deployment Transaction

Given an EIN, construct a transaction that can deploy that organization

Path: /v1/sdk/orgs/deploy

Return Schema:

  "to": "string",
  "data": "string",
  "value": "string"

Get Funds

Get a list of Endaoment Funds.

Path: /v1/sdk/funds

Return Schema:

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "contractAddress": "string",
    "logoUrl": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "endaomentUrl": "string"

Search Funds

Search from the list of Endaoment Funds. Only non-private, visible funds will be returned.

Path: /v1/sdk/funds/search

Return Schema:

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "contractAddress": "string",
    "logoUrl": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "endaomentUrl": "string"

Build a Swap & Donate Transaction

Given an EIN, a token contract address and the amount to donate, construct a transaction that can swap and donate the informed amount of tokens.

Path: /v1/sdk/donations/swap

Return Schema:

  "to": "string",
  "data": "string",
  "value": "string",
  "quote": {
    "priceImpact": 0,
    "expectedUsdc": "string",
    "minimumTolerableUsdc": "string"