
At Endaoment, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, security, and compliance in all aspects of our operations. We encourage our team members, partners, stakeholders, and the general public to communicate openly and report any concerns, suggestions, or observations related to untoward activities, security issues, compliance matters, operational improvements, or otherwise.

Reporting Channels

If you observe any activity or behavior that raises concerns, or if you have recommendations for operational changes, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through the following channels:


Postal Mail

Endaoment Ethics PO Box 990 Pearl River, NY 10965


You can join our discord server here, and create a support ticket in the #🙋|get․help channel to speak directly with the Endaoment staff. Please feel free to request private communications channels be established if desired.


To the extent practical, we will keep your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and any other shared information confidential when documents, concerns, or reports are shared in good faith. We understand the importance of protecting your identity and the sensitive nature of the information you may disclose. In instances where confidentiality may need to be breached (e.g. legal requirements, imminent risk to safety, or to fully investigate the concern), we will endeavor to inform you beforehand and discuss potential implications.

Anti-Retaliation Clause

Endaoment strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against individuals who report or otherwise share concerns, issues or suggestions in good faith. We are committed to fostering an environment where open, honest communication is valued and protected. If you report a concern, you will not be subject to dismissal, demotion, suspension, threats, harassment, or any other manner of discrimination in response to your report. Should you feel that you have been retaliated against, please report this immediately to the Ethics Committee. Such reports will be treated with the utmost seriousness and investigated promptly and thoroughly.

Thank you for your dedication to maintaining the highest standards at Endaoment. We look forward to hearing from you!